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reap the wild wind

"Cutting up" or "putting an end" to the wild, radical, rebellious, etc people.

Reap the wild wind"Do me a favor, please reap the wild wind please"

by The_Express22 March 9, 2022

napkins in the wind

A fictional 2006 Oscar award winning movie starring Robert De Niro made up to see if Spencer Ernst would past a test in which people believed he made up shit

Friend: Spencer, have you seen that movie with De Niro called Napkins in the Wind? It's a masterpiece.
Red Spencer: Oh yes, that movie was great, I loved it. I should watch it again.

by boilingpotsofwater April 21, 2023

Wyoming wind tunnel

Pinching a woman's labia shut, and blowing her vagina full of air, then slowly letting the air escape, to create an extended pussy fart .

Well son, your moms mad as hell, because I gave her a Wyoming wind tunnel this morning !!!

by Pudknocker March 18, 2016

Breaking wind

Breaking ,polluting, the natural air with your own gas from your ass

It really stinks !,it was ma ass breaking wind.

by Jose v garcia October 17, 2019

faster than a Florida tail wind

To leave quickly.

They left the scene faster than a Florida tail wind.

by Saharayogi September 9, 2017


When the skin is in contact with the wind long enough to cause a temporary color change to brown.

His face was wind-browned in a matter of days after he took the job.

by Canniblcupcak May 27, 2018

rice wind day

every friday the thirteenth you go outside and throw rice into the air

Bob “Hey did you hear it’s Rice Wind Day?”
Lily “No what’s that?”
Bob “A holiday where you throw rice in the air!”

by miniturtleman August 13, 2021