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Pulled a Tosh

When asked a direct question, that you do not want to answer, you either ignore it or change the subject.

I asked about how the relationship was going, but he pulled a Tosh on me.

by 104NOT February 14, 2014

Pull a Frida

1. Willingy putting yourself in a tight time crunch by first writing an assignment well before its due date, only to then write the assignment that's just before its due date. The increased stress levels are supposed to be motivating. The process usually also requires pulling an all-nighter.


2. Finishinig an assignment by working well into the night even though the the due date is far away. You could have gone to sleep and continue in the morning but the sheer force of determination pushes you past the finish line. You are also cranky for the next two days for "no praticular reason" also know as "lack of sleep".

1. "I still felt like i had plenty of time to finish my assignment so I pulled a Frida . The stress grenerated by the greatly increased probability of not finishing in time motivated me so well, I just might do it again!"
"... that's fucked up. Why don't you just procrastinate like normal people?"

2. "*1 a.m.* I'm on a roll right now! I think I'm gonna pull a Frida and just finish the damn thing tonight. Sleep is for the weak."

by PotatocakeTheSecond August 14, 2017

Pull a Cooper

To dig for the gold in your nostrils and gracefully speckle boogers on the spout of a public water fountain at school, and then completely engulf the spout with your mouth and drink the water and eat the boogers simultaneously.

Bobby: Hey did you see Janice Pull a Cooper earlier?
Jack: Yeah it was so gross!!!

by YourMomLovesABartender September 5, 2021

Pulling a Yakov Smirnoff

When you’re complaining about something another person says and/or does and respond with the same sentiment from your own perspective.

“Carl’s always saying horrible, violent, insensitive, anti-gay and homophobic sh*t. I wish he would die in an AIDS fire.”

“Dude, Carl’s a huge d*ck but you’re totally pulling a Yakov Smirnoff here.”

by Pariah Jones February 3, 2020

pulling a maas

When you either
1. make fun of someone you care about
2. say “you’re done” too much
3. refer to people as their parent’s name
4. have to run to the bathroom after a large coffee
5. attempt to become a match maker

Man Darbious is really pulling a maas right now.

by darbyfanpage101 December 21, 2021

Pull a Kano

Randomly confessing to your crush out of nowhere in a room full of people

1) "Maybe I should pull a Kano"
2) "Did he jus pull a Kano?"
3) "The temptation to pull a Kano is there"

by FutureBricks708 May 22, 2021

Pull a Scott Adam's

Claiming one's importance while captaining a yacht of wrong into the sea of stupidity.

One can pull a Scott Adam's by being so perversely incorrect that words fail.

"Braxton Paxton, your father is going to be livid when he gets home. We do not Pull a Scott Adam's and take things that aren't ours. Go to your room!"

by Why God, Why February 20, 2024