'Pulling a Wing' is a term for questionable social interactions in messangers, including, but not limmited to SMS, Whatsapp, Discord, or similar. A person who is 'Pulling a Wing' is sending messages, or joining a voicechat, or call while in a situation, where it wouldnt be normaly expected to find somebody in.
"Why the fuck did he leave voice chat?!?!" "He was pulling a Wing... he was shitting, and I could hear his farts, so I told him to leave." "Whatever, I hope we dont get reckt while he is AFK."
Building a whole criminal record of hate crimes primarily targeting African American and south of the border type people leading you to 30 years in SUPERMAX prison
My neighbor just burnt a cross on my lawn he’s lowkey Pulling a Wesley
Used to describe somebody who is horribly RACIST, and has been for generations in his family. They activly wish for and participate in the buying and selling of minorities, all while trying to hide their racist side from the public. This doesent always work as their true beliefs often break through in large outbursts when coming into contact with a minority for any extended period of time.
"I've seen how Throbberts looks at him, he must be pulling a Wesley"
When you are a gay cunt that suck all the cum out of his uncles balls sack
Wow auberon is about to pull a ronnie
a phrase that believed to be jah said before he died
jah pull off; PULL OFF X PULL OFF
7👍 1👎
The ability to achieve success in the most ludicrous situations
Pulling a Stoto, Jake was able to avoid eviction and make rent by selling CDs to deaf children.
When your kid is being too loud or angry so you turn off the internet
Wow Nemo just got off I think his dad is pulling a lui