Hawaiian hot dog - The action of pouring pineapple juice and sliced pineapples in your anus before anal sex
“That girl was freaky as fuck she wanted me to give her a Hawaiian hot dog.”
Hot C is what you call Hot chocolate when you don't want people know it's Hot chocolate
A way to get the office to thing it's a health morning drink with vitamin C
"Yeah I do a Hot C every morning."
"Wow every morning? Just trying not to get sick eh?"
"Naw, it just hot chocolate"
"Every morning dude? Yikes!"
How cool sexy people say hot chocolate. Meow.
Hey Alice, go snag me a steaming helping of that Hot C action.
A cup of hot chocolate. But you cant say chocolate cause your an idiot
Another way of saying hot chocolate because WillP47 doesn't know how to pronounce chocolate/
Hot blobbing is when sperm that is still hot runs down your leg or into your knickers
He filled me up so much that when it dripped out it was hot blobbing
when you donkey punch yo girl and she shits insteads of tightening like a normal donkey punch
i WAS doing anal and about to donkey punch that bitch then the did a hot donkey pocket