Created in 2019, a clique formed by a money hungry loyal group. They consider each other family and no one in this group are traitors nor do they switch up on each other. Really close ties with the group originated in S.Korea, E4E clique. Allies of certain cliques and gangs, not specified(certain Blood gangs, certain Crip gangs, some GD, BD and Hoover), building alliances for a greater good. Enemies of this clique vary; some enemies include Taliban Bloods, 72 Mob, fake gangs and more. This clique is known to work hard for their money by building business, trades, deals and more without lying, cheating or stealing. This clique has ties around the world in Europe, Hawaii, Cali, NY, Chi, TX, LA, Georgia, and West Africa, where they receive protection and supplies. This clique does not look for trouble, but if beef is started with them, they play the game smartly and end it wisely. No one in this clique has been reported dead or found dead. Located in WA, spread throughout the cities, they are hard to locate once beefed with which makes it difficult for enemies to spot them. They have done “get backs” and whether they have killed or not, they will not specify due to safety of their “family”, from law and clout chasers. Cash Family Mafia looking to make the world more peaceful between gangs and cliques and bring allies up with them, not snakes, they hate snakes and “take out snakes & hoes” (they did not explain what they meant by that).
$FM (Cash Family Mafia) is the meaning of true brother/sisterhood that moves money and builds money in the smartest ways, like the mafia in the 60s use to move around.