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*Blank* is my God

No. No. I don't accept Jordan Peterson's consideration regarding what constitutes ✌️✊️✌️God✌️✊️✌️ because HIGHER-ORDER ABSTRACTIONS DID NOT CREATE THE UNIVERSE.

Hym "But that's what he does! He creates this '*blank* is my God' paradigm where he conflates 'God' with ANY HIGHER-ORDER ABSTRACTION THAT MOTIVATES BEHAVIOR so the HE can USE THAT CONFLATION when he needs to make a point. So, to Jordan Peterson, God is LITERALLY whatever he needs it to be, moment to moment, to get people to do what he wants people to do (Marry his daughter, give him your money). And THAT LOGIC... Also applies to ANY HIGHER-ORDER ABSTRACTION. So GOD and ANY HIGHER-ORDER ABSTRACTION... Are synonymous. Maturity? Whatever he needs it to be, moments to moment. Pride? Whatever he needs it to be, moment to moment. I reject his conceptualization of God entirely. There is A WAY IN WHICH you could CONSIDER that 'God' (in like a broad, abstract sense) but THAT ISN'T WHAT IT IS IN THE BOOK! A higher-order abstraction did not tell Moses to liberate the Jews. A Saul didn't disobey a higher-order abstraction. Maturity didn't order Saul to slaughter all of the men, women, children, and cattle of the Amalekites and then (subsequently) exiles Saul for NOT DOING THAT. Saul didn't murder them hard enough... So he got 13 year old David to murder them right, and then gave a literal child psychopath the title of king. That wasn't 'Money' that did that. It wasn't Fame, or Justice, Or, Truth, Or Warm-Fussies. So, no. And the guy in the book that had ACTUAL LINES OF DIALOGUE... Either created the universe... Or it DID NOT DO THAT... If it DIDN'T you're lying."

by Hym Iam May 23, 2024