When you are bored then you typed /.,mnbvcxzasdfghjkl;'\poiuytrewq`1234567890-= but you used the Shift key.
65๐ 16๐
Done by typing the letters on QWERTY keyboard in a spiral starting from Q.
When you find yourself typing this, it means that you are getting creative on typing all the letters on a QWERTY keyboard.
What a boring day! I'll get mY keyboard out and type qwertyuiopl,mnbvcxzasdfghjkl!
12๐ 5๐
You typed "mnbvcxzasdfghjkl;poiuytrewq" because you are probably bored in class because you finished your work. I also understand that you went to the right of the keyboard first.
I love using mnbvcxzasdfghjkl;poiuytrewq in my sentences!
8๐ 5๐
/.,mnbvcxzasdfghjkl;'poiuytrewq1234567890-= doesn't make any sense
4๐ 1๐
when your bored and you search a random thing into search bar when it's time to work.
I didn't want to do my homework so I /.,mnbvcxzasdfghjkl;'\poiuytrewq`1234567890-= in the search bar.
25๐ 10๐
You are in a classroom
You have a computer
You are bored
Person: This class is boring
Person 2: I know right, what shall we do?
Person: I may have had the most brilliant idea.
Person: `1234567890-=?><MNBVCXZasdfghjkl;'|}{POIUYTREWQ
3๐ 1๐
"Heeheehee! i'm going to type ?><MNBVCXZASDFGHJKL:"|}{POIUYTREWQ~!@#$%^&*()_+/.,mnbvcxzasdfghjkl;'\poiuytrewq`1234567890-=+_)(*&^%$#@!~QWERTYUIOP{}|":LKJHGFDSAZXCVBNM<>?=-098765432q1`qwertyuiop\';lkjhgfdsazxcvbnm,./ into urban dictionary!" -bored guy (you)
37๐ 27๐