A kickass Finnish hip-hop group.
Kaipuu by @junkmail is the best!
Now if I can just find a fansite...
4👍 20👎
Armor constructed from newspapers, department-store advertisements, cardboard, phonebooks or any type of junk that can be found in the mailbox. The purpose of junkmail is the same as for chainmail, that is to stop knives and shanks from piercing organs. Prisoners all over the world have used junkmail for as long as paper products have been in circulation. Ideally, junkmail should cover the chest, abdomen and sternum, being at least 2 inches thick. Junkmail is light weight, easy to forge and practical for use in any prison gang-war. It is called junkmail because it is constructed from junk and can be disposed of easily.
The prisoner survived the violent rival gang hit, only because of the junkmail he was wearing.