Source Code

Magic 8 Ball

The magic 8 ball is a sphere shaped contraption that has a many sided die in the center which gives answers to many yes or no questions. Inside the Magic 8 Ball is a liquid, which contains a lost soul. This soul is what tells the die what answer to give you.

~Ask the magic 8 ball if we will win our soccer game tonight.
-It says, "My signs point to yes."

by StefenVenn November 1, 2006

84👍 17👎

Magic 8 Ball

The magic 8 ball is a divination device where you ask the ball a question, shake it, and then it gives you an answer.

But secretly, the answer comes from the Devil because if you take the numbers 1 to 8 (ie: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8) and add them up you get 36 and if you do the same with the numbers from 1 to 36 you get 666! The magic 8 ball is also black which of course everybody knows is the color of evil!

Joey: Hey Magic 8 Ball will I get a date with that hot blond Sally this weekend?
Magic 8 Ball: Don't count on it! (Evil laugh echos in the ethers in the background)

by Sir Sarcasto February 6, 2017

11👍 5👎

Magic 8 Ball


The Magic 8 Ball is an asshole

by Twentyonesinnersatthedisco August 1, 2017

5👍 5👎

Magic 8-Ball

The act of using both cocaine and LSD at the same time. The effect of which is similar to an acid trip meeting a freight train, and then having pair of them then jump off a cliff.

I heard Jim shook the Magic 8-Ball the other day." "He sure did; now he thinks he has all the answers.

by PrinceMadness May 16, 2011

17👍 5👎

Magic 8-Ball

A sexual act of a bald woman performing oral sex, while the man shakes her head and asks her a question.

"Do you remember the bald girl I went out with?"
"Yeah! Did you Magic 8-Ball her?"

by WiseYoungOwl August 12, 2017

10👍 5👎

Magic 8 Ball Soul

The Magic 8 Ball Soul is the force inside the magic 8 ball that causes the die to show the answer to the questions asked. The soul is obviously a spirit from within a deceased body. This soul is captured and placed in the mysterious black liquid within the Magic 8 Ball. The soul decides what answers to give to whomever asks it a question. It is usually only loyal to the true owner of the 8 Ball.

Don't drop it, the Magic 8 Ball Soul will escape if it is broken.
The soul will take the path of least resistance, which is right into your body.

by stefenvenn November 28, 2006

30👍 9👎