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Now, children, please calm down. This website is for giving people clear definitions on a subject, not for puting certain people down.

Scene is a sub-culture that is spreading around quite quickly. These people wear brightly-colored cloting, such as graphic tees, skinny jeans, childish bows, and neon makeup. They usually have a taste for Hello Kitty, Gloomy Bear, dinosaurs, robots, rainbows, stars, and polka dots. 99.9% of them have MySpace, Buzznet, Bebo, Friendster, Hi5, MyYearbook, VampireFreaks, or other social networking pages. They usually choose career paths such as modeling, music, photography, or business. Thier hair is usually 2+ colors and poofed up and teased. Yes, they may all look the same, but don't all preps look the same? Don't all goths look the same? Dont all emos look the same? They listen to mainly rock, techno, or random music. They say things like "kthnxbai" or "stellar, yo". They have confidence and they dont like to be put down. Yes, I am scene and I think this is a very accurate definition.

Scene posers will:
-Overtease thier hair
-Overuse the lingo
-Type like a 4 year old
-Call YOU a poser

by Alex Abnormal April 24, 2009

418πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


The new thing for 15-20 y/o kids on myspace.
Scene Clothes:
Tight Band T-shirts
Obscure "Vintage" T-Shirts
Tight Girl Pants (on guys)
Super Straight Leg Pants (on girls)
Van Slip-Ons (2+ pairs)
White Studded belts
Fingerless Gloves
Bandanas on: wrist, head, in pocket, around neck etc.
Scene Hair:
MUST be 2+ colors and dyed in random sections. Red, Blonde, Black. (Neon Colors acceptable too.)
Choppy, and looks as if it was cut at home.
Almost mullet-like, with bangs.
Scene Accessories:
Lip ring(s).
Many "sexx" braclets.
Headbands and bows. (for girls)
(2-3)Obsure band pins on sweater or on jeans near crotch.
Eyeliner and over-the-top eye makeup (must be MAC or clinique)(on boys and girls)
Stretched ears.
Septum Piercing. (on girls only)
Abnormally large sunglasses.
TONS of rings.
Fake pearl/bead necklaces.
Scene Personality:
Goes to MANY shows, almost every day. 2+ on weekends.
Listens to "hardxcore" music.
Usually only goes to shows to "hardxcore" dance and talk shit about non-scene kids, or about the band.
HATES anyone not "scene"
Has a strange, almost leet-ish vocabulary. (AKA: LYEK OMFG I WENT TO THIS SHOW &&OMFG NI99A IT WAS HELLA TIGHTT.) Says && instead of "and", Says "nigga" and "ghey" but swears it not to be rasict or homophobic. Says "hella" ALOT and uses tons of contractions and acronyms. "OMFG". Adds another letter to random words. "radd" Says "gangster things" Says "cunt" ALOT.
Must be vegitarian or vegan.
Boys usuallypretend to be bi-sexual but won't do anything more then kiss another boy.
LOVES "robotzz" and "dinasawrz"
Must be "sxe", but still drinks and smokes ciggarettes.
MUST have myspace and have tons of friends and comments. Posts bullitons ALOT and whores other scene kids.

addictheartxx: SUP NIG
addictheartxx: You goin to tha bloodbrothers show tonite?
SceneSchelle: OMFG you know i am nigga. UR so radd. (:
addictheartxx: &&i love you so much kos ur so scene!
SceneSchelle: So then give me scene points cunt! D:

by chris__xcore September 18, 2005

3752πŸ‘ 1347πŸ‘Ž


"Scene" is a culture made mostly of teenagers and is relatable to emo. It is a culture derived to reject the "norm". Scene kids might often be quoted as saying "I hate people that arn't themselves" or "I dress this way because this is who I am!". Ironically, there has become a set mold which scene kids seemingly strive to fit, and they all look/act the same.

"Scene" guys often wear:
-Tight jeans
-tight t shirts, often from elementary school/middle school, or picked up from the local thrift store.
-tight blazers and jackets, even during a warm summer.
-Long, greesy hair, cut and dyed at home, with bangs that cover 1/2 of a "scene" guy's face at a 45 degree angle.

"Scene" girls often wear:
-Bright colored makeup
-Short, choppy hair, usually thicker on one side, and containing 2+ colors.

Scene kids are almost required to own a myspace page. Here, they will network with hundreds of other scene kids, post dozens of pictures of themselves (from different, crazy angles and more often than not, incorporating a bathroom mirror), and write blogs about pointless teenage drama which nobody else truly cares about.

Scene Kid 1: I'm Scene. I'm a unique individual. And you stole my awesome, Scene, haircut.

Scene Kid 2: No! I'm scene! And I'm far more unique than you! I suggest you give me back my haircut before I am forced to write a blog on myspace about how angry you have made me!

by Andrew2006 June 3, 2005

2449πŸ‘ 900πŸ‘Ž


The term "Scene" usually deals with Hardcore/Fashioncore kids. Guys and Girls who are usually (almost ALWAYS) Egotistic, Self-Centered, Narcissistic. Loves taking pictures of themselves. The pictures usually consist of the scene he/she throwing a peace sign and making a sassy facial expression. The scene he/she with big glasses. The scene he/she with their hand almost covering their mouth and the eyes to the side as if they were saying "uh oh". Finally, the scene he/she with his or her crew. Many pictures are photoshopped to make them look as "Sex" as can be. They spend hours on their myspace making it look as trendy as possible. Talk to people they will never meet for hours on end. A simple scene kid to scene kid conversation is shown below. These kids are cocky. They will tell you they think they're ugly and show you the 1,000 pictures proving it. They are better then you according to them. They love to "bring the hang out" with all of their scene friends. Many will call themselves straight edge yet share nude pictures and drink because "they are sad". Scene kids make fun of others who aren't like them. Many scene kids think they are non-conformist, although you take a look through myspace and you'll see a million others just like them. They quote movie lines over and over showing the lack of originality they actually have. They LOVE using slang and talking like a "thug". Scene kids also love to write notes to others and take pictures of themselves with the note in hand. The Vegan scenesters are usually vegans because it's "cool" not because they have a love for animals. They love throwing their sassy ass into the pit and giving everyone a taste of their hardcore dance. I've seen many kids at shows watch the "Hardcore pit" and not the band. I could honestly go on for a while but I'm sick of thinking about it.

(Girl) XxXADyingTearXxX: Wuuurd up HaWti.

(Guy) XScarsRunDeepX: Oh I love YOU!!!!! Hows that SEX hair goin?

XxXADyingTearXxX: Shoot sun. Cha know dat it be fashionable!! <3

XScarsRunDeepX: You better take some pix. : )

XxXADyingTearXxX: Naw, I be lookin TOO Ugly. Shoot I took lke 30 earlier. Connect with me BabeXxx!!

XScarsRunDeepX: Those are SO SEX. Let's fuck!

XxXADyingTearXxX: Like, EWwwww!!1

XScarsRunDeepX: I mean..SIKE haha!!! I LOVE YOU <3 <3

XxXADyingTearXxX: AWWW I love YOU!!!

XScarsRunDeepX: Hey when are we gonna like meet up?

XxXADyingTearXxX: Oh probably never <3<3<3<3

by Justin S. May 13, 2005

5082πŸ‘ 2406πŸ‘Ž


Evidently on urbandictionary.com, being "scene" means you are a self-indulgent douche bag you uploads eleventy-billion pictures of yourself looking "scene". Congrat-u-fucking-lations. You can use a camera.

I'm starting to hate this website.

by tom dillon April 18, 2005

16366πŸ‘ 8646πŸ‘Ž


Scene kids wear tight jeans, band T-Shirts like Escape The Fate or My Chemical Romance. They wear converse or checkered vans, hair that is parted to one side covering one eye(normally black or really light blonde) belts with studs in them(normally white). Scene kids are NOT emo but have basically adopted the emo style without taking the whole (OMG my life is so horrible /cry nobody loves me /cuts wrist) type of bullshit.

Scene Kid - dude aren't my tight jeans, checkered vans, and Escape the Fate Tshirt so cool.

by Guy With Scene Friends January 28, 2009

95πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


Since the 2007 downfall of the Scene trend, there are less Scenesters out there. However, it has been picked up by the younger generation. These kids are usually 13-16. Sadly, you may also see 10-12 year olds trying it out, then failing epically. A lot of things are different, yet the foundation of the Scene is mostly the same. MySpace isn't as full of them, but if you look hard enough, you cna come across a few. The msot legitement Scenesters aren't well-known around the interweb.
The first steps of the Scene, sometimes labeled β€˜elektrikk’ evolved into β€˜br00tal’, which now has come to what I’d call β€œnew age scenesters”.

2008 = screamo, post-hardcore, electronic/dance, acoustic
06/07 = deathcore, grindcore, hardcore
2005 = pop punk, emo

2008 = teased, less crazy and dead bird-like, brown gaining popularity
06/07 = teased to dead bird-like state, strictly black or white blonde
2005 = short, choppy, black

2008 = standard vans/converse, skinny jeans, band t-shirts, graphic/vintage, plastic jewelry, bandanas
06/07 = skin-tight black skinny jeans, black skirts+leggings, plastic jewelry
2005 = (same as 2008 scenesters)

2008 = dark eyeliner, colored or no eye shadow
06/07 = black eyeliner, cat-eye or winged out, black eye shadow, fake moles
2005 = (same as 2008 scenesters)

2008 = resembling normal people. some are conceited and pull a β€œSUP IM BETTA DEN U” move
06/07 = total elitist snobs. Arrogant, cocky, stuck-up, etc. Only talk to people as amazing & trendy
2005 = more snobby than new age scenesters, but not as bad as the br00tal kids.

Many bystanders claim that the Scene is dead and that anyone who still continues to follow it is a try-hard/poseur. However, this is not always the case. Scene is much like the Punk & Goth styles. It hits its peak, witnesses the best of times, but they decline, and fall into near extinction. Same with the Scene trend. The main followers have grown up to be 16, 17, and 18 year olds who no longer take part in compulsive hair coloring or MySpace whoring. However, the younger generation continues to keep it alive for a few last breaths of air.

I dont think I need an example. That whole Scene comparison thing should be good enough.

by electro_fame$$. October 24, 2008

39πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž