A letter used in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish (though limited to proper nouns), Walloon and Chamorro.
The letter is pronounced as an "o", like in the word "sauna".
When capitalized, the character is also used to denote the unit of length, Ångström. 1 m = 10^10 Å.
Åh my gåd, dååd. I'm så hårny right nåw.
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A Swedish vowel, equivalent to the "oa" sound in the English words "oar", "roar", etc.
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The last letter of the Dano-Norwegian Alphabet
This is a letter from an ancient unknown land that is called Sweden. it is pronounced like you are having a micro orgasm.
A:Tell me one letter that will haunt me.
Betyr å drikke seg full, eller å drikke generelt. Mye brukt blant ungdom i Nordstrand-området.
"Keen på å stange i kveld eller? Fikk tak i to pakker pils"
"Ey har noen sett Tomas eller?"
"Ja bro han er helt stanga, karen har vært på badet en halvtime nå"
Å elge, is the norwegian acronyme for puke. It is often used in episodes conected to alcohol and drinking.
Example 1. Det er aldri greit å elge.
Example 2. Se på han der da, han elger som f*aen.
Example 3. Aldri sett noen elge så¨mye før.
Example 4. Han elget hele kvelden.
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