é means of, or a word showing relation between those nouns or pronouns in consideration.
é could be pronounced as in Asia, Airplane, Aviation, or very dominant sound of A, the same as we pronounce 'e' in German.
She was The Queené England.
She was The Queen of England.
Boyfriendé Sharon
Sharon's boyfriend
Boyfriend of Sharon.
It's the way that friends say how they are different comparing with another groups. A closed group. Private.
Nóis é nóis, o resto não importa.
Pequi is a regional fruit, the taste is very peculiar. Goias is a state from Brazil.
When people say "É pra acabar com os pequis de Goiás ", it's the way to exclaim about something absolutely unbelievable..
A person forget his keys into the car and it's closed. "É pra acabar com os pequis de Goiás!!! " How could you do this!
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SO, you got bored and decide to do something with your keyboard and here you are reading this! You are probably like me and don't have anyone that loves you or you were just doing you homework. Whatever have a great life.
I'm so bored I just type 13243546576879809-0=qewretrytuyiuoipo^p¸adsfdgfhgjhkjlk;l`;<zcxvcbvnbmn,m.,é on my keyboard
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Is the same way how to speak a shocked question for a dude (in Portuguese-Brazil)
—I break your car
—...Como- Como é as conversas...? (Shocked)
You were extremely bored and pressed every keys on your Mac
- Hey, did you try qwertyuiop^çàè;lkjhgfdsaùzxcvbnm,.é on your Mac yet?
- Wtf no dude
An "É popo" is someone or something of great value, something important. "É popo" is the highest rank you could give anyone. Calling someone an "É popo" means that they are very important to you. You can replace the "popo" with any vowel except "A" because and "É papa" doesn't exist.