When you're so bored you type 11223344556677889900 and decide to type 00998877665544332211 and still are not satisfied.
Person 1: I just searched 11223344556677889900 and I'm STILL bored.
Person 2: Try typing 00998877665544332211
Person 1: Wow, what a great idea!
when boredem hits your skull and you decide to type every key on the keyboard right to left bottom to top twice.
me: I'm soooooo bored what should I do
my sister: Type this//..,,mmnnbbvvccxxzz'';;llkkjjhhggffddssaa\\ppooiiuuyyttrreewwqq==--00998877665544332211``
me: okay //..,,mmnnbbvvccxxzz'';;llkkjjhhggffddssaa\\ppooiiuuyyttrreewwqq==--00998877665544332211``