The 1-10 scale of female attractiveness is a ranking system used to classify women based on appearance with 1 being the lowest and least appealing and 10 being the most. Traditionally, a margin of error of +- 1 is acceptable during story telling.
Numbers on the scale correspond to the following:
1: Angels weep at the mere existence of such an ugly creature
2: Disgusting, revolting, or otherwise vile
3: A trash compactor could improve her features
4: The sight of her is tolerable, if not desired
5: Average. If inebriated, you would consider her attractive
6: Not half bad
7: Recognizable as an appealing partner for reproduction
8: Stories are told and grins shared over obtaining her digits
9: Radiant, beautiful, and otherwise worthy of praise
10: A goddess. Dicks of all ages rise in salute as she walks by.
An essential tool in any gentleman's toolbox, the 1-10 scale allows for the safe counsel of friends. Never allow a bro to have any genital contact with a female below a 4.
Words of wisdom for the 1-10 scale (of female attractiveness) - If she's a three, let her be. If she's an eight, try to mate. If she's a ten, try again.
19👍 10👎
A scale used by males all over the world to describe how hot a girl is. Usually looked down upon by females, but we do it anyway because it's fun.
Guy: Dude do you see that girl? How would you rate her on a 1-10 scale of female attractiveness?
Guy 2: Her? She's a 10 for sure
5👍 7👎
This is when you rate a female on how good looking she is. 1-being really ugly, 10- being out of this world.
Wow that girl is a 10 on the 1-10 (scale of female attractiveness)
1👍 3👎