Source Code


Hacker "Sp33k" for leet, or elite. Originating from 31337 "eleet", the UDP port used by Dead Cow Cult, a hacker group, to access Windows 95 using Back Orifice, a notorious hacking program.

1337 h4x0rz pwn j00!

by Cal Webster April 25, 2003

16341๐Ÿ‘ 2798๐Ÿ‘Ž


A language in which numbers and symbols are put together to look like letters. Some people create their own 1337 letters and it makes them look more 1337 by fellow 1337-speakers. Here is an alphabet of 1337 letters I know and have created:

A: 4 or l\ or ^ or @ or /\ or /-\
B. l3 or 8 or รŸ or 3 or l:
C: ( or < or ยฉ or ยข
D: l) or l> or )
E:3 or ยฃ
F: l= or # or ฦ’
G:6 or 9
H: # or l-l or (-) or !-! or }-{ or }{ or l+l or )+( or !+! or }+{
L: 1 or ! or
J: _l or _/
K: l< or l( or l{ or l<=
L: l_ or ! or 1
M: l\/l or /\/\ or l\l\ or ^^
N: l/l or /\/
O: 0 or () or <> or * or รธ or ร“ or ยฐ
P: l* or l> or |D or l^ or l+
Q:& or (\) or ยถ
R: l2 or ยฎ
S: 5 or $ or ยง
T:+ or 7
U: l_l or /_/
V: \/
W:|/\| or \/\/ or |/\/ or \/\|
X: >< or }{ or :-:
Y: ยฅ
Z: 2

()/\/\9 7^l+l+ 15 73)-( 1337 #l\:-:<>l2 1 +()l_l> _/<>* ^l3ยฐl_l+ /\/\3}-{ #1213l/ll>!!!1!!11!1!! )+(3 |D\l\/l/l2.

translation:Oh my god that is the leet hacker I told you about my friend! He owns.

by finity July 9, 2004

7283๐Ÿ‘ 2319๐Ÿ‘Ž


1337. Originally used by hackers to avoid simple net searches that would turn up, for example, "I am an elite hacker".

Instead hackers would say "1 4|\/| 4|\| 31337 |-|4x0|2".

"31337" was later shortened to "1337".

Now 1337 used mainly by the gaming community (also in chatrooms) to mean an especially skilled player.

1. 7|-|3 |=|31 15 93771|\|9 (|053 70 7|-|15 31337 0p3|24710|\|!

2. im s0 1337 taht i pwn ur @ss n00b!

by Grakkar April 22, 2004

1706๐Ÿ‘ 640๐Ÿ‘Ž


n. 1. Nestled between 1336 and 1338, 1337 is commonly known as a number, or for the more advanced; an "integer"
2. Often misused to satisfy a lamen's ego, the self-proclaimed 1337 will misuse the title, pretending to hold Xtr3m H4x0r capabilties while in fact masturbating to preteen beastiality at 2:00 AM with baggy eyes; anonymously hassling n00b's with better things to do than kill their babies over mindrot such as Everquest and Warcraft. See also "colon debris" and "queefstain"

"i t0tally pnwed u. u r so a n00b and i am so 1337"

by PoonPieHouligan August 17, 2003

8566๐Ÿ‘ 3376๐Ÿ‘Ž


1337 is the language of hackers and newbies across the internet. Also, the words in 1337 are usually short(ie "are" becomes "r") and intentionally spelt wrong(ie "the" becomes "teh", this is most common with e switching places and o's becoming p's)

the mostly complete translation chart(exluding unicode characters, ie ยฉ):
A=4 /-\ @ ^ /\
B=8 3 8 |3 |8
C=( {
D=) } |) |} |> >
F*=# |=
G=6 9 (_>
H=# |-| (-) )-( }{ {-} /-/ \-\
I=1 ! |
J**=_| j
K=|< |{
L=1 |_
M=/\/\ |\/| \/
N=/\/ |\| \
O=0 ()
P=|D |* |>
R=|2 |? |-
T=7 + ''
U=(_) |_| \_\ /_/
W=\/\/ |/\| /\
X**=>< }{ X
Y='/ %
Z**=2 z

Common mispellings:
the = teh
that = taht
take = taek
own = pwn
you = joo
dude = jood

common phonetic replacements(always used in true 1337):
f = ph
ck == xx

*there is no 'F' in true 1337, it is replaced by the 'ph' phonetic in true 1337

**acceptable when not replaced by a symbol

_|00 |2 4/\/ |_||\|1337 (_)83|2 |-|4><><0|2

Translation: You are an unleet uber hacker

by Amnesiasoft October 26, 2004

1758๐Ÿ‘ 707๐Ÿ‘Ž


Once used by the hacker community as sort of a sub-culture language, ANYONE using this type of speak in the present day in age is either:

A) A clueless net newbie who somehow thinks its still "cool" to speak this way.

B) A veteren net user who uses it to parody the type of people mentioned in example A.

u r n0t 1337 d00d!!11

by Lord Requiem November 14, 2002

3639๐Ÿ‘ 1502๐Ÿ‘Ž


1337 was the year the hundred years war started making an obscure factoid a totally useless piece of gamer common knowledge.

Professor: "What year did the hundred year war start? Anyone? Anyone?"

You: "Ohhh! Ohhh! 1337!"

Professor: "Ok theres the gamer"

by otacon July 14, 2006

182๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž