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16th November

The day that every boy has to move on and text that nice new girl

Baevie: Ey did he text yet
Ela: no but it is the 16th november he has to

by Someone2kill November 12, 2019

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16th November

16th November is also known as National No Cheese Day. Sadly, everyone won't be able to enjoy cheese like they usually do.

Person: what's the date for today?

Person2: It's 16th November

Person: aww man. I can't enjoy cheese today.

by Chlorine and Bleach November 16, 2019

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16th November 2020

L'Mansburg day. A celebration of the war between dream and the citizens of pogtopia/ l'mandsburg resulting in the betrayal of techno blade and the exploding of the state. With a new president and the sun rising, l'manburg was reborn, but with the past in mind.

Did you hear about the war of l'mansburg on the 16th November 2020?

No because I'm lame.

by Wilbur not soot November 16, 2020

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November 16th

Hold Hands with your crush Day!

Person 1: Bro itโ€™s November 16th

Person 2: Omg It is

Person 1: Itโ€™s hold hands with your crush day!

by Yoooooooweclowninnnnn๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก October 16, 2019

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November 16th

A no homo day of sorts where all gay shit is allowed.

Person 1: its November 16th
Person 2: Bro you wanna do gay shit
Person 1: Hell yeah!

by Bronylivesmatter October 17, 2019

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November 16th

November 16th is a day where we celebrate "oh shit a rat!" On this day if you see a rat you have to stop and say oh shit a rat

Jonny its November 16th!

Oh shit a rat!! Says, Jonny

by Apiercotandfish October 17, 2019

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November 16th

National boys say yes to anything day...

Time to spend money! sorry boys

itโ€™s november 16th so i have to buy my girlfriend anything she wants

by hndubeubx November 16, 2020