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18 years old

When someone turns 18 years old, they are legally an adult.

She is 18 years old!

by IronFox y’all November 17, 2019

17👍 7👎

18 year old

The Age You Are Officially A Fucking Adult

Me: Yeah I'm An 18 Year Old Now I Can Move Out Of My Parents Cruddy Home!

by I am cool 2015 January 4, 2020

25👍 4👎

18 Year Old Pussy

The Freshest Legal Pussy out there

This knot is tied, tighter than 18 year old pussy.

by Jesus FREEEEAk November 19, 2009

81👍 25👎

18 year old girls

A female human in between the ages of 17 and 19

Person 1: Look at the 18 year old girls!
Person 2: How can you tell they’re 18?
Person 1: They’re not 17 but younger than 19.

by Communist Nazi April 16, 2018

13👍 6👎

She’s 18 years old somewhere

The “it’s 5:00 somewhere” of child predators. Used when trying to get out of trouble. If used properly it works every time.

Chris Hanson: How about you explain why you tried to sleep with a 13 year old girl?

Predator: she’s 18 years old somewhere.

Chris Hanson: what the fuck?

by Tatrsos aka dank meme lord June 30, 2018

10👍 3👎

im 18 years old

you have gun,but not a fucking beer

Dad:Son,go to store,i need beer
Son:*arrives with Glock-19*,Dad you forgot,im 18 years old

by i tried to kill my self September 13, 2023