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SoundCloud rap collective consisting of sebby, CJ808, clay10, tenkay, GOLDENGUAPS, nyli, dollhouse, jtxpo, cru, phreshboyswag, rodneyy, st47ic, ssh1be, cranes, xaviersobased, zuro, Kenocide and glost . 1c also known as 1c34 makes some fye ass music

Me: You heard of 1c34?
Them: no
Me: fuck you then nigga

by masouri July 9, 2022

385👍 15👎


Also known as 1c, 1c34 is a SoundCloud rap collective consisting of the following members, atakee, ksuuvi, ss3bby, CJ808, clay10, Tenkay, Angel @golden_guaps, Nyli, dollhouse, Jtxpo, Cru, St47ic, Ssh1be, Cranes, xaviersobased, Zuro, kenocide, Glost, kynlary, elibanss, p6nk, defficile, sedaku, Bloody!, and Rodneyy.

me: you heard that new 1c34 shit?
someone: nah
me: lemme put u on!!

by June 29, 2024

19👍 7👎