A good content TikTok creator who loves god
“Yoo you know 2xvalxid?”
“That one tiktoker who loves god and appreciates his mutuals?”
Some cool creator on TikTok that posts decent Content and loves god
“Yoo bro who is 2xvalxid?”
“ oh he is that one dude on TikTok that posts every now and then and I loves God”
“Oh that 2xvalxid”
Some cool creator on TikTok that posts decent Content and loves god
“Yoo bro who is 2xvalxid?”
“ oh he is that one dude on TikTok that posts every now and then and I loves God”
“Oh that 2xvalxid”
4 fingers for 2xvalxid is is appreciation towards 2xvalxid and prove they are one of the best tiktokers
Hey Megamind stick up 4 fingers for 2xvalxid
Megamind: do wha for who???
4 fingers for 2xvalxid is showing appreciation and that they are one of the best tiktokers
Megamind: oh okay bet *shows 4 fingers*