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meaning comes from the wanna-be-'tactical crowd', the group always ready for armageddon or the rise of the zombie nation, ties into having every possible gadget that can be bought for said conflicts. refers in this case to the latest, greatest flashlite that produces 320 lumens and can blind one immediatelty. typical person in possession uses the flashlite to blind office mates and actually only uses the flashlite to clean the soccer balls out of his car when his wife sends him out to the garage as she is tired of the constant ratchet-jaw-bullshit that flows from his mouth.

dude #1==shit, turn that off, i can't see anything now, yo- stebo, stop that shit, you got a job to do, ya, i got 320'd, happy now?

dude # 2==you right, 320'd, AGAIN.....i am so ready for anything, look at how bright this shit is.

dude # 1==the only thing you are ready for is to heat your lunch up with that lite, whats it use, 6 batteries a day?

Dude # 2== ya,just about , its fun though. it only cost $223 and it came with a hatchet

by talldarkandhandsomer September 12, 2013

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