Source Code

3rd Millennium Classrooms

The company who created that stupid Alcohol Wise course forced on freshmen at universities. Their general purpose is to make you miserable. Their software is also really glitchy too; for example, it won't let you submit an answer to a question on a quiz. Also, you have to get 67% or higher to pass and if you don't, it forces you to take the entire quiz again. And guess what? It's randomized, making you dumber every time you take it.

Kyle: Dude, did you finish Alcohol Wise?
Chris: Finally, I did. That course was an absolute desk banger. The post test was absolute hell - the system kept messing me up due to glitches and dumb grading procedures, forcing me to retake it numerous times. Screw 3rd Millennium Classrooms.
Kyle: Same as you. I don't ever have to go through this again.

by The Real Driller January 20, 2022