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An anime dubbing company that obviously hates this generation, making shows such as Yugioh to be looked down upon in the U.S. They're the kind of people that could make a hentai into a show about the power of friendship or some bullshit. One of the main reasons anime has kinda died in the U.S. I'd rather watch a whole year's worth of Bleach filler.

Examples of ruined anime:

One Piece: "YA YO YA YO! DREAMIN! Don't give it up Luffy! DREAMIN! ..."

Yugioh: Believe in the heart of the cards!

4kids: Hey look! It's a popular anime that's critically acclaimed in Japan. Let's take all the good parts and take it out! Even the voice actors hate dubbing this show, but we just keep fucking them with a 20-inch dild- I mean we politely ask them to keep working on the dub.

by SuckMyDickBitch July 26, 2012

331๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


EvilDemons from the Television Underworld which grab animes down to their lair to be gruesomely slaughtered. It's a dreadful scene...*sniff* We're all cheering Naruto on to get away from this great evil, but can the show evade a grisly maim just like its friends?

Anime: La la la leh la...*strolling happily* *gets dragged down by 4Kids to be brutally murdered* AIEEEEEEE!!!

by DudeWho'sJustABitNuts August 8, 2006

158๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mediocre dubbing company known for making a mess of otherwise good anime shows (ex.; One-Piece,Tokyo Mew-Mew).And did a rather awful rendition of the "Star-Spangled Banner"(thank the gods they didn't do O Canada).And,Most recently,Turning the FOX network's Saturday mornings into an infomercial-wasteland.Do not be surprised if,come September,the same thing happens to the CW(formerly WB & UPN) network's Saturday mornings!

guy1;"Dude,whatever happened to fox kids?"
guy2;"Ah, some lame-ass dubbin' company called 4kids bought it up in 2K2,showed a buncha badly dubbed crap fer 6 loooong years,left FOX over some dumb money dispute,and now saturday mornin's on FOX are nothin' but scamfomercials"
guy1;"woah,bummah,dude.4kids just ain't happenin'".

by spike12 March 19, 2009

73๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


The worst anime liscensing/dubbing firm in the world. They really started the kiddie-anime boom in the U.S. with pokemon, which made them billionares.

Later on, they liscensed Yugioh and turned it into a hack-fest that made the Card Captor dub look good. The changed nearly everyone's names, altered the main storyline, censored any deaths in the show (either saying the dead charecter went to "The shadow Relm" or "Mysterisouly dissapeared"), added in this "Heart of the Cards" shit (and made nearly everything the charectars say mention the heart of the cards), replaced the ENTIRE soundtrack with shitty Saturday-morning cartoon music, and worst of all, mutaliated the dialog and gave the series THE WORST voice cast ever. And they didnt even release uncut DVDs... In the end, this series made them millionares.

4kids ended up buying fox kids, changed the name to fox boc, removed most of the shows, and added in a few crappy cartoons like the new TMNT and "The Cramp Twinds". They also bought a few new animes (Sonic X, Shaman King, Ultimate muscle, and Kirby: Right Back at Ya) to release on the fox box. While none of them were quite as bad as yugioh, they still sucked horribly. Shaman King had most of its dialog TOTALLY rewitten and its main charecter (yoh) changed from a carefree guy to a total asshole. Sonic X got a shitty dub cast. Ultimate muscle and Kirby...sucked from the begining. All of these animes had thier soundtracks replaced (they even recyled tracks. Sonic X's new soundtrack is IDENTICLE to shaman king, except for the opening music).

They recently liscensed Tokyo Mew Mew (which looks to me alot like sailor moon), and according to Al Khan, the evil bastard CEO of 4kids, they are planning to edit it tremendsouly (Hell, the are releaseing it under the name HOLLYWOOD Mew Mew...). They also seem to be going after the uber-popular anime "Naruto". With the shitload of money that 4kids has gained from YGO, i sympithize with naruto fans.

4kids is the reason that anime is so widely hated in the U.S.
They must be stopped before they get thier hands on a truly good anime.

by Metal Head June 24, 2004

1444๐Ÿ‘ 196๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fucked up dubbing company bent on ridding the world of:
good voice acting
Japanese text
English text
Japanese culture
English culture
original music
original names
original Anime titles
rice balls
mini skirts
uncut DVDs
good dialog
and everything but fingers, water guns, lollipops, censorship, and eternal hellfire.

The COMPLETE OPPOSITE of a GOOD dubbing company such as FUNimation.

Also, see evil tyrannical company

Me: 4Kids is evil and stupid at the same time.

Comparison of 4Kids to FUNimation:
4Kids < FUNimation
1 < infinity

by Yep Nope September 12, 2005

237๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


A shitty-ass company who bastardizes good anime.They have bastardized my favorite manga, Shaman King, and changed every single name to names that you would call your pet(take mortimer for instance)!And I have recently found out that they are about to bastardize yet ANOTHER one of my favorite mangas, Naruto. Thank god they havent gotten to Bleach or Hunter X Hunter yet(my other 2 fav mangas)! Seriously, who's with me to start an angry mob!!!

Also see: The Four Horsemen

Mortimer:Hey, Yoh, Have you seen 'lenny'?

Yoh:No, I think he died.

4Kids executives:No!!!! say something else!!!!

Yoh:He went on vacation 0_o

by 4Kidswillburninhell April 30, 2005

403๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž


Although I myself do not enjoy the YU GI OH anime and/or manga, I sympathize with fans in saying "WHAT THE HELL DID YUGIOH DO TO DESERVE THIS?!"
Also, Shaman King fans, including myself, turn red in the face when they think of the butchered anime. Ren=Lenny. Manta=mortimer. Ryu=Rio. Anna sounds like a valley girl. She sounds like she will say "LYKE OMG A PRADA BAG" at any second. Manta sounds like a ... well ... gnome ... ? And Ryu ... *shudders* What is that? A french or Spanish accent? I sure as hell can't tell! Ren sounds like he's going off to tea and crumpets with the queen at any second instead of fighting.
I've seen the voice cast for Naruto and lemme tell ya ... praise insert divine being of worship here that the bastards at 4kids are finally getting the message to STOP KILLING ANIME!

"I've got an idea guys ... let's find anybody who speaks English as a first, second, or THIRD language, put them in a studio for anime ... purposely mismatch the mouthflaps!"
"OOOH OOOOOH!! I've got one, too! Let's change the names to the corniest ones we can think of!"
"YAY! And then we can call our company ..."
"4KIDS! CAUSE IT'S FOR KIDS! EVEN THOUGH IN JAPAN IT'S FOR TEENS! And kids these days think it's cool to substitute a '4' for the word 'for'"
"Yeah, guys, we're so cool"
-4 Kids executives.

by cheesypoofs! April 5, 2005

190๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž