The 5T second rule (five-tee second rule, 5-T second rule) is a rule that is secretly the 50 second rule (fifty second rule). The 5T second rule states that if you pick up food or drink within 50 seconds or less, you get to eat the food and drink the drink. It's actually not a real rule and just an excuse to eat food off the floor and drink food off the floor. In 5 milliseconds, there's already hundreds of germs and viruses sticking to the food and many more preparing to stick.
Frank: *chicken wings and French fries with ketchup and a Pepsi falls to the floor.
Frank: Uh, 5T second rule?
Dave: Oh! I guess 5T seconds is a pretty short time to wait to pick up the food from the floor.
*43 seconds pass.
Frank: *picks up the chicken wings and ketchup and eats it.
*Drinks Pepsi with a straw.
Dave: Wait a minute! I thought you said 5 second rule. It's been 49 seconds.
Frank's daughter: That's filthy! Even 1 second it has germs.
Frank: Uh? It's got Vitamin F!
*Frank Moment