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6 fingers up

If you have 6 finger up, it means that you have a disease called micropenis. If you are diagnosed with this, you get absolutely 0 bitches.

And you look goofy.

6 fingers up? damn bro im sorry for you

by Jenue and Manica April 21, 2022

55👍 9👎

6 fingers up

If you have 6 finger up, it means you are an aboslute virgin + you pull absolutely 0 bitches

oh look, he has 6 fingers up, he must be so lonely

by ThanosCar06 September 23, 2022

2👍 1👎

6 fingers up

It means you go to the gym 6 times a week,

so you are probably ill. Also it means you have
a huge ass because of squats, so keep

bro stop showing those 6 fingers up

by Sashk0 June 20, 2022

3👍 5👎

6 fingers up

It means you go to the gym 6 times a week

Keep going with the 6 fingers up

by Sashk0 June 20, 2022

1👍 4👎