Source Code

8 August

8/8, means balance, infinity, perfection, well being

Your compulsive friend : And your birthday is on?
Me: 8 August
Your compulsive friend : Pure perfection! I'm happy now bruh

by Weirdo af October 23, 2019

40πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

August 8

If your birthday is August 8th you are the most loyal and most beautiful person in the world!

Person1- β€œWait! You birthday is on August 8!?”
Person2- β€œYeah..?”
Person1- β€œOmg, that is amazing!!”

by Sp!dercat October 29, 2019

354πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

August 8

National beat up your Brother Day.

August 8 is comin can't wait to slap you.

by dayyum._son August 8, 2021

54πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

August 8

The best day to be born πŸ’•. #Leo

β€œAugust 8, isn’t that the birthday of Shawn Mendes ? β€œ
β€œ Yes β€œ

by L3oπŸ’• October 17, 2019

774πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

August 8

National scrap day
If you have beef with someone today is the day to sort it out

Person 1: oi cunt we got beef
person 2: okay lets scrap cunt its august 8 national scrap day
person 1: okay come at me cunt

person 2: lets scrap

by somebrowncunt October 21, 2019

91πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

august 8

national smack your brother day

hey bro it’s august 8th , you know what that means ....

by hoesonmeleftandright December 4, 2020

24πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

August 8

People born on august 8 are the sexiest girls and hottest boys and smart

P1:Who is s/he?
P2:Idk but s/he is a leo
P1:what date
P2:August 8
P1:That is why s/he is so damn fine

by A NarcissisticLeoBitch October 29, 2019

123πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž