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8th grade boy

A male that's 13 or 14 years old (in some cases 15) in the 8th grade. Very immature, ignorant, and a complete showoff. Does retarded stuff like buying snacks at a Football game only to throw them at others. Some are mature, but most of them are immature jackasses. Worse than 6th grade girls. The girls behave A LOT better than the guys in 8th grade.

Tommy (Immature 8th grade boy): Haha are you a brony Hubert?
Hubert (Mature 8th grade boy, brony): Yeah... why?
Tommy: HAHA FAG!!!
Hubert: I am not a fag
Tommy: Yes you are let me see a picture of a pony so I can kill it!

by Derpy12 February 7, 2013

35👍 11👎

8th Grade Fuck Boy

The 8th grade fuck boy is some boy that try's really hard to get girls sympathy by pretending he hurt himself. And always feeling sorry for what girls have to deal with!?!?.

"Hey dude why the fuck are you being a fucking fuck boy. "
"What the fuck are you talking about."
"Your being a 8th Grade Fuck Boy!!!!."

by Maple school member July 10, 2016

11👍 2👎