Source Code

9th amendment

9th amendment

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

This just means that naming SOME of the rights in the Bill of Rights doesn't mean there are no more rights for the people.

If we did not have the 9th amendment there would be no where to expand to.

Because the framers of the Constitution didn't have cell phones, they couldn't specifically write, "Policemen can't take away your cell without a warrant, because that's a violation of rights."

Instead, they left some wiggle room for rights they weren't able to think up yet. The 9th amendment is that wiggle room.

Because the framers of the Constitution didn't have cell phones, they couldn't specifically write, "Policemen can't take away your cell without a warrant, because that's a violation of rights."

Instead, they left some wiggle room for rights they weren't able to think up yet. The 9th amendment is that wiggle room.

by zshen November 7, 2013

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