Source Code

A Lotta Bit

As opposed to 'a little bit', "A LOTTA BIT" expands the value of a specified term to a greater extent.

Ricardo: How much you miss that trick, a little bit?
Johnson: Nah B, a Lotta bit.

by NECKNOTMINE January 26, 2009

28👍 1👎

a whole lotta bit

As opposed to 'a little bit', and 'a lotta bit', "A WHOLE LOTTA BIT" expands the value of a specified term to an even greater extent than both those previous terms.

Ricardo: How much you miss that trick, a little bit?
Johnson: Nah B.
Ricardo: A lotta bit?
Johnson: Son, a whole lotta bit.

by MYNECKNOTYOURS January 26, 2009

3👍 1👎

a whole heckuva lotta bit

As opposed to 'a little bit', 'a lotta bit', and 'a whole lotta bit', "A WHOLE HECKUVA LOTTA BIT" expands the value of a specified term to an even greater extent than the three previous terms.

Ricardo: How much you miss that trick, a little bit?
Johnson: Nah B.
Ricardo: A lotta bit?
Johnson: Son, No.
Timothy: Negro, he miss her a whole heckuva lotta bit.

by MYNECKNOTHIS January 26, 2009

8👍 1👎

alotta lotta bit


A more than colossally large amount; indescribable amount

Blair Thomas loves Joshua Mease alotta lotta bit more then he loves her.

by B-lair :D November 26, 2010