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A Nut Allergy

A curse. A stupid curse, that does not allow you to have peanut butter, or pistachio cupcakes, or anything along the lines of “Nut.”

Except for honey NUT Cheerios. And corn NUTS.

Dude 1: “Ayy do you want some rocky road ice cream?”
Dude 2: “Nah mate, I got A Nut allergy.”

by Le cat in le box. June 2, 2018

Nut Allergy

When a person does not like to be ejaculated on

Person 1: I really like you! Wanna hook up?
Person 2: ..sorry I have a nut allergy..

by DaddySaddle August 2, 2020

Nut Allergy

In a man's case, having a nut allergy is to be homophobic. In contrast, a woman with a nut allergy is a lesbian.

1. Whats Nick's problem with Sebastian getting all touchy feely?

Dunno, he must have a nut allergy.

2. "Does she want to go to the prom with me?"

Nah, she can't cos of her nut allergy.

by el mas grande July 23, 2008

12👍 4👎

Nut Allergy

An aversion to sitting next to people on public transport.

Passenger: "Excuse me, can I sit here?"

You: "No, I've got a nut allergy."

by Monkey Magick October 23, 2010

Nut Allergy


I don't think you should try to get with Lisa, I think she has a pretty severe nut allergy.

by fallen2123 May 23, 2015

4👍 1👎