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A Toxic Franny

Usually a female named Franny that has a tic tac penis with little to no brain cells. Is hella toxic when you offer a penis growth suggestion. A psychotic bitch with no self morals and wears grandma panties. Stay away at all cost!!

Guy: Oh look it’s a toxic Franny, we better run!
Toxic Franny: You better run before I put these granny panties on you bitch!

by Fat hoes with tic tac toes May 22, 2019

3👍 1👎

A Toxic Franny

Usually a toxic Franny is a female with a tic tac dick. Can be a very very VERY toxic bitch when given penis growth pills. A psychotic rainbow dick. Is also referred to as “Franny Granny Panties”.

Guy: Oh look it’s a toxic Franny, we better run!
A Toxic Franny: Y’all better stop before I put these granny panties on you ;)

by Fat hoes with tic tac toes May 22, 2019