Pronounced (a-shh-muhh)
To feel down, a noise of how you’re feeling when you can’t comprehend or explain ur mood. Smh is just a whole mood
‘A smh’ is the new ‘Dkm’
Depending on the situation you can use
Or a subtle - A smh 🤷🏽 ♀️
Or in extreme cases A BIG PHAT SMH
Joanna.P: A Smh I just crashed my car!
Selena.V: A Smhhhh HOWWWW?
meaning, "shaking my head", smh is typically used when something is obvious, plain old stupid, or disappointment.
You don't know what smh means? smh
6791👍 587👎
the meaning is 'shaking my head' often used when you're disappointed or embarrassed.
'you don't know what a meme is? smh'
1067👍 109👎
shaking my head or
so much hate.
Daniel: Dude look at this, it's a turtle!!
Phil: smh you idiot.
now for the so much hate.
Brittney: I love this dress
Tiffany: ew, what colour is that.
Courtney: that is the same color as my puke.
Brittney: gosh guys smh
2185👍 544👎
Stands for "small macaronni hat", which of course we all know is the most shameful headgear
This dude is so embarrassing smh
1364👍 388👎
smh stands for 'shaking my head', although it can mean 'stupid minded humans' and 'so much hate'
either way you use it in a text/post/etc when your disappointed, or if your friend did/said something stupid (may be funny) you can say smh.
Friend 1 "bro i accidentally pushed over an old lady lmao"
Friend 2 "smh."
facebook post "a car crashes into a house and kills a baby"
person "omg thats so sad, smh."
Person "omg I walked out of the store forgetting to pay for my product ahahah smh"
Mum "how do i turn the tv on?"
Daughter "lmao smh"
112👍 23👎
acronym that stands for "shaking my head"
he thought 9+10 was actually 21. smh
670👍 194👎