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If you're ever lucky to meet an Ajax Horn. You are to be one of the luckiest people alive. They are, handsome, selfless, and honest. Always tending to others before themselves. Takes the time out of their day to send you a good morning and goodnight message even after just speaking to them over the phone. They are a one of a kind friend. A best friend. Someone willing to listen when you pour your heart out. Someone willing to smile through the day when you can't. Someone willing to come up with all the lamest jokes to make you laugh. Ajax Horn's is everything you could ever want in a person and more. They are love, they are happiness, they are laughter, they are light on the darkest of days. Soft and gentle when things get rough. They deserve the world. They deserve nothing but happiness and love. If I were to have an Ajax Horn, I would do nothing short of continuously proving how much he means to me. Mwuah x

Do you have an Ajax Horn?
Yes I DO!! He's the best.

by HalfCastVenom December 23, 2021