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American cheese

Proof that oil and water DO mix after all.

This nasty-tasting, solidified soy oil is used as a substitute for real cheese, which at least has nutrition and is ACTUALLY digestible.

I made the terrible mistake of buying American cheese (hey, it cost half as much as Cheddar). The next day, I woke up with explosive diarrhea because that shit just went right through my digestive tract.

by sarcastic December 17, 2003

107👍 31👎

American cheese

A type of cheese that is of low quality, possibly due to mass production.

Best when melted.

-Damn, this American cheese is bad.
-Try toasting it.

by if(you=="pinkShirt"){useShotgun=true;} October 14, 2005

63👍 18👎

American cheese

Something that seems to be cheese, but in reality, its just plastic

American cheese is gross, its not even real cheese!

by Morpheas7819 January 6, 2023

Imported American Cheese

A really good version of something that shouldn’t be good at all.

That hotel’s restaurant is 5-star and can make even the simplest thing taste good. Even their grilled cheese and soup tastes better than you expect. They must use Imported American Cheese or something.

by MR2 March 24, 2007

13👍 2👎

The unborn fetus of a howler monkey wrapped in American cheese topped with the cerebral cortex of a rat.

Tylers favourite midnight snack

Guy: damn Tyler what you chewin on?
Tyler : The unborn Fetus of a howler monkey wrapped in American cheese topped with the cerebral cortex of a rat.

by Lewis. E August 29, 2023

American Cheese Meth Head

To describe someone who really enjoys smoking cheese and crack through their own dick.

Ex 1: Yo, I heard you're an American Cheese Meth head, I'd like to try it with you some time.

by letem October 8, 2019

American Cheese

1. Referred to as an American that eats processed food such as Twinkies, Lunchables, and American cheese and is severely ugly; could be identified as a monster.
2. A woman or girl that is really hot typically with blonde hair because their hair matches what the color of American cheese is. She could be ugly too but cheese is cheese

1. (in walmart) look at that sad overweight AMERICAN CHEESE in the frozen food section. I cant believe someone could live like that CHEESE.

2. (in the mall) Bro that AMERICAN CHEESE is so hot she’s like a model.

by Sea person July 19, 2021