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A celtic goddess with flowing red hair that defies all standards of beauty and sense. An Antrim is prayed to in matters of sex, philosophy and poetry. Antrims can only be placated by tea and if you anger an Antrim a band of minions will be set upon you.

Person 1: Why is their house surrounded by mugs of tea?
Person 2: They must have offended Antrim when they told her how madly in love with her they were.

by ThatNerdyGirl June 25, 2015

10👍 3👎


a town near belfast and ballymena. not a rough place overall. it is good down town at the weekends.

ANTRIM - town near ballymean and belfast basically in between

by S.O.A.D KICK ASS May 7, 2005

17👍 294👎