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n. 1. A subscriber of the America Online service, who's world revolves around email and chatting and cannot function on a day to day basis without large, sloppy, cartoony icons to tell them what to do to while operating their PC; nor are they considered computer literate; nor are they able to use the web either efficiently or in general, who type poorly with little to no correct grammar or punctuation whilst overusing internet abbreviations to convey messages as quickly and as lazily as possible, rendering their electronic conversations illegible and otherwise nonsensical to an embarrassing degree.

2. A person in which case the closest thing they've ever seen to a mouse is a bar of soap, and have no idea what they're doing online, in front of a computer, or in general, who are usually overly ignorant to technology as a whole, who are considered by the general population as complete idiots who are unfit to operate a computer.

"Every AOLer should have to go through rigorous computer training sessions so that everyone else isn't bothered by their stupid questions."

by TheWarlock May 19, 2005

39πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


1) A person who subscribes to AOL service. This does not necessarily apply to AIMers.
2) An epithet, used to describe someone typing in all caps and/or with no regard for spelling or grammar. May or may not subscribe to AOL service. May or may not display the maturity level of a pre-pubescent ignoramus.


by JiaXue September 15, 2003

52πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Someone who uses America Online as their Internet Service Provider, it is generally assumed that idiots subscribe to America Online, so it is an insulty term

J00 12 t3h n00b AOLer

by Attilla June 16, 2003

30πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


1)A person who subscribes to AOL service
2)A computer user who is usually computer illiterate and uses way to much internet shothand to be understood by a normal human being with a IQ
3)A Subscriber to AOL service who falls into the 95% of them are dumb enough to think that AOL *IS* the Internet . This condition can be fixed by taking AOL and blocking their access to the 'real' internet then give them their own little sandbox to play in and they'll be happy.
4)A general slang term for very dumb computer user. Who proably shouldn't be using a computer in the first place.
5)A lamer
6)A script kiddie

What a bunch of brain dead AOLers!
That person is such the AOLer.
Its just another AOLer on the internet.

by try_a_different_name September 23, 2005

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


n. 1. A subscriber of the America Online service, who's world revolves around email and chatting and cannot function on a day to day basis without large, sloppy, cartoony icons to tell them what to do to while operating their PC; nor are they considered computer literate; nor are they able to use the web either efficently or in general, who type poorly with little to no correct grammar or punctuation whilst overusing internet abbreviations to convey messages as quickly and as lazily as possible, rendering their electronic conversations illegibale and otherwise nonsensical to an embarassing dergree.

2. A person in which case the closest thing they've ever seen to a mouse is a bar of soap, and have no idea what they're doing online, in front of a computer, or in general, who are usually overly ignorant to technology as a whole, who are considered by the general population as complete idiots who are unfit to operate a computer.

"Every AOLer should have to go through rigorous computer training sessions so that everyone else isn't bothered by their stupid questions."

by TheWarlock May 17, 2005

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1.)People for which seem to exist to torment helpdesk personnel...

2.)AN extremely ignorant person who lacks the ability to poor urine from a boot with the instructions on the heel.

3.)An extremely ignorant person who has no concept of birth control, turn signals on suvs , how to use a cell phone , or drive. Most of which herd together to form a loose collective of babbling idiots. Most of which work from 9am to 5p breed , sleep watch the same repetitive shows on television and fart out one kid after another. <human robot- drone-borg> They barely know how to use a cell phone , or drive. they seem to herd together to form a loose collective of zombie-like humans. Who’s function seems to be to miss-spell every word in the English language , rant about issues that they are at fault for and cause help desk employees to have cardiac arrest, stroke, commit suicide or go postal in a fit of psychotic rage.

4.) A person who thinks that they are not on the Internet if they don’t log in to Aol.

5.) People for which windows does not seem to have a start button, know what a program is, don’t know that windows M.E. is obsolete, don’t use a nic card in their obsolete computer and insist on using usb instead .People who unfortunately breed quite a bit but have a very low intellect. And are in fact the major contributing factor to the coming cataclysmic end of the human race.

6.) A person who thinks they are genius, Yet who’s stupidity defies all reason or logic.

Aolers are often referred to in such manner as: , bottom feeding dredge fish
One who looses IQ point when they got to waste extraction, a plague to be exterminated...

The best example of an Aoler is seen during mid-day. One should observe them driving enourmous land vehicles that pollute the atmosphere. They can be seen trying to drive and use their cell phones- unsuccessfully And their screaming mutant children can be heard in most good restaurants or their unsanitary larva stage mutants can be seen in shopping carts near the meat section with a smelly diaper and a fly buzzing around the said mutant’s diaper. One should be careful when discussing computers in casual conversation around them as they all have issues with their computers they need assistance with and in all likelihood if they were to over-hear you discussing computers they would probably swarm you as you are the only one who might know how to fix their damaged machines.

by AnitChrist August 25, 2006

430πŸ‘ 300πŸ‘Ž


Someone who chats using alot of Acronyms
Note:does no have to be an AOL subscriber and not all AOL subscribers are AOLers

SomeOne748:H3LO WUT IS UR NM3
OtherPerson32:SRY CANT TOK.GTG

by Anonymous August 20, 2003

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž