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ap language and composition

the worst goddang class you will ever take where syntax is freaking everywhere and yet you still dont understand what it means. it tortures the mind and ruptures your soul by its never ending annotations on pointless readings that no one ever actually cares about.

Hey whatd you do in ap language and composition today?

We learned about the what alliteration, hyperbole, simile, metaphor, syntax, syllogism, and enthymeme were and how they effectively pertain to real life situations.

by MercAntile November 8, 2013

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ap english language and composition

"Understand the interactions among a writer’s purpose, audience, subject, and genre and how each of these contributes to effective writing. Enhance your own writing skills and understand better each stage of the writing process as you develop expository, analytical, and argumentative compositions." -From the College Board

3 words: ethos, logos, and pathos

Ap english language and composition sucks the sleep and energy out of you

by RedUrbanGuy October 22, 2017

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