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AP European History

A class that can be extremely difficult or extremely easy depending on the type of teacher you have. I recommend asking older students what the teacher(s) at your school are like before taking this class.

Type A AP Euro Teacher
The teacher that makes it easy is a teacher that gives little to know busy work, actually talks about questions that will be on the exams, and gives curves. Some kids who are retards or are extremely lazy will still find a way to fail, but majority of kids will pass, and about half will pass the AP Exam. They will even let you share the work with other students at times. This is the type of teacher you want, if you get this kind of teacher, it is a great way to boost your GPA.

Type B AP Euro Teacher
This teacher likes to give 2-3 hours of homework every night, mostly considered busywork every night. Tests will be on the 8 chapters assigned the night before the test, and almost everybody will fail and there will be no curves. They will also create retarded projects, useless essays and make you memorize vocab words which wont be on the AP Test. This teacher will likely give you 5 different textbooks, and expect you to read every page of every textbook by the time the year is over. When the AP Test comes around, the 7 people who haven't dropped the class usually end up doing ok, but at the cost of drastically lowering their GPA. These teachers are responsible for roughly 8.2% of teenage suicide.

Student A:I love my AP European History teacher, I have a 95% and I barely study, he goes over all the test questions in class, and I only read chapter outlines on his website! My History teacher Rocks!

Student B:Screw you, There are no A's, 1 B, 3 C's, 40 D's and 80 F's in all of my AP European History teacher's classes, I spend 3 hours a night on homework and have to study 4 hours to get a D on a test, 5 students have killed themselves this year, 7 are in mental hospitals, 6 have eating disorders, 3 are in jail for trying to kill the teacher. AP European History sucks.

by Junker939393 December 4, 2013

62๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

AP European History

A piece of shit plus everything that you hate in your life put together into one giant Lego that you will step on... Don't take this class. You WILL regret it and you will shit a brick. Specifically the Lego brick that you just made.

pain, shit, more shit, AP European History

by King of... November 5, 2013

40๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

AP European History

A class taken by insane sophomores, otherwise known as a nervous breakdown. Countless hours of sleep gone forever. A hatred for history even though you were neutral on the subject before the class.

Student 1: I just took the AP European History test and almost went into a self-induced coma

Student 2: I just threw my AP Euro book in the pool! Take that $%&%#&^ Ms. (insert teacher name here)!

by Grewster October 11, 2009

64๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

AP European History

A class that tries to prepare students for the grueling life of a college student in high school, but fails miserably due to poorly written papers, Arial font, hyper-detailed projects, and insane amounts of homework that prevent a normal high school student from having a life.

Student#1: Hey Justin, wanna go to the party at Micheal's house?

Student#2: Sorry Mark, I have AP European History homework to do.

Student#1: Jeez man get a life.

by Socia1 S1ayer September 15, 2009

33๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

AP European History

Also known as AP Euro. It's an extremely challenging college-level course on the history of Europe from the Middle Ages to the present. This class is usually taken by sophomores, and is known to be one of the hardest classes ever. In the beginning, there may be 30 in the class. The next day, 5 people will drop, and a week or two into school, 10 more people will drop.
Many stay up countless number of nights and even pull all-nighters studying for this course. Only the few elite actually get an A, incredibly smart and hardworking students get a B, the rest get a C or lower.
It is also known as hell.

Person 1: How'd you do on that Euro Test?

Person 2: I did not understand the **** questions!!! Aghhh!! I pulled an all-nighter and probably failed. I should drop AP European History.

by trashcan7 September 9, 2008

130๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

AP European History

A class in high school for Advanced students who feel like having their weekends, weekdays... Hell... their lives taken away from them. Average workload is usually anywhere from 7 - 10 hours per day. Most students join for bragging rights, but in the end most drop the class due to tremendous workloads.

Person 1: Dude I have a buttload of work from regular retard history, I have to write three sentences and read four pages!

Person 2: I remember what it was like to have so little work... Tell me... what is it like?


Person 2: I'm all that remains of a student who is currently taking AP European History... why?

Person 1: Ohhhh That makes sense, Nothing you just look like an anorexic, balding, grey skinned, piece of shit!

Person 2: Insults... I remember what those were like... Tell me... What's an insult again?

by themastr1024 September 15, 2009

342๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž

AP European History

Say good-bye to your family, friends, and distant relatives to prepare yourself for this WILD ride! Buckle your seatbelts, you' re going straight to hell! If you are a freshman, who foolishly chose to take this class next year, DON'T. Spare yourself from the misery that so many others have endured.
After filling my 32 ounce water bottle with red bull the day of the MOCK AP exam, I will confidently say I am not going to survive this class without a heart condition. I can say even more confidently that neither will you. I no longer know the meaning of sleep, that time is now dedicated to pouring over The Western Heritage textbook learning about King Whateverthefuckhisnameis XIV.

Pro-tip: Learn to read Roman numerals beforehand. Lots of kids got 0's on their essay because they wrote it on the wrong Louis, and just incase you were wondering, there is well over 14 of them.

Student A: I'm really going to fail this quiz.
Student B: Fail the quiz? I'm force failing the class. There's credit recovery, right?
Student A: Oh. Good plan. Me too.

^the way to go

Sentence Ex) I used to laugh, then AP Euro started. We don't do that anymore.

I haven't seen my mom in three days, and we're both home!

I used to not understand jokes about Stalin, those were the times!

Student A) Did you know that the Defenestration of Prague was just a bunch of guys throwing another guy out the window?
Non-AP Euro Student) ..No??
Student A) Oh, that's right. You didn't have to suffer like I did, Susan.

No one:
Literally nobody:
AP Euro Student: AP European History has taken my soul, my happiness, and my will to live.

by I Didn April 8, 2019