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Short for N-Acetyl-Para-Amino-Phenol otherwise known as acetaminophen. To the non-medical world, this is TYLENOL - the pain reliever and fever reducer.

Hey, Dr. Fan or Dr. O, Get me some of that APAP stat, I've got a really bad headache.

by Dr. PG December 4, 2006

58👍 15👎


As Platonic As Possible: when you don't like someone but they like you, you have to keep it APAP

Chad: Omg Brodie, Janet likes you?
Brodie: Yeah, but imma keep it APAP.

by audbuch June 3, 2015

10👍 3👎



Used to describe the way one presents ones self through style and charisma.

Mane, we've got to look APAP before we hit the club so we can get mad bids.

by Mojoswag3 December 22, 2011

18👍 12👎


Another word for bro in serbian.

"You keepin' it real, apap?"

by Pelipeli April 20, 2018

2👍 1👎


A inbreed creature who has a fetish for bigheads & his laugh is high pitched that even the birds die. he loves cocaine and will kill anyone for a sniff.

"Apap shut up you annoying beast!"

by Dylan Rush June 22, 2004

13👍 47👎