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APD (Anti Prossy Device)

A device that consists of a fork with the centre two prongs broken off. It is used to defend against the prostitutes of Magaluf.

To use it you simply arm yourself with it and lunge at the prossies eyes, this allows for a quick getaway.

The device can be purchased with several attachments such as harpoon spear with rope, laser sight, explosive prong ammunition, prossy net, taser stunning prongs, long range scope, boomerang return prongs, armoured piercing prongs (for the prossies wearing protective eyewear).

It also comes in a male or female version, the difference being the colour.

APD (Anti Prossy Device)

Person 1: "There's a prossy, get the APD."

Person 1: "Watch out there's prossies down there!"
Person 2: "It's OK I've got my APD"

by C-Ton1 September 3, 2009

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