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a boy who goes by the name of corey , can somwtimes be called an assboy , thta gets fucked up the ass for ten dollas a pop

daling the # -beep beep
his mom answers-hello ?
me-oh hi coreys mother , may i please speak to your son ?
his mom-of coures sweeetie
corey answers- SUP ASSBOY ?!

Kendall-hey harley , did you see that kid whoop out his junk and take a piss on that buiilding and leave ?!

harley- hell ya , what a fuckn assboy

by carpetbangingfol, November 8, 2009

20👍 6👎


a boy who is a fucker . he tends to think he da shit , and is . but whaatever, ppl like him alot , and assboys also make friends with sackboys . assboys may also get fucked up there hairy ass for ten dollars a pop .

haneeda: did you see that jerk

kendeesha: hell yeahhh nikka

haneeda: hes a total assboy


by shhhhhh it a fuckn secret November 26, 2009

28👍 9👎