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ass thighs

The thighs muscles right under the ass

Eric: Hey Carl, have you ever just stared at a woman's ass thighs and just sigh?
Carl: You mean hamstrings?
Eric: Shut the fuck up Carl no one cares about 'Hamstrings'. THEY'RE CALLED ASS THIGHS

by biigdickrex95 January 4, 2018


Thicc thighs

Every man's weakness

Even gay men can't resist a fine babe with wide thighs

Dude1:yo, mike smashed dat fat hoe yesterday,he said she had some thicc ass thighs
Dude2:thicc ass thighs huh, every man's weakness

by Elderjonthemayogod April 24, 2018

49👍 4👎

thicc ass thighs

The Thighs of a human, (usually a female) which can be described as Thicc or Thick. Thicc Thighs Save Lives

Me: Have you been doing squats?
Female: Yes, why are you asking?
Me: Cause you got some thicc ass thighs

by queefpizzas November 2, 2017

23👍 1👎


The space betwixt one's thigh and one's ass

"You have a very nice thigh-ass"

by themartianmari November 10, 2021