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Aarav (specifically in Vadodara)

A common name for a douchey, posh guy in Vadodara city. Classic cheater, will downgrade after every girlfriend, and ALWAYS HAS A GIRL BEST FRIEND (who is also his family friend)! Frequents the gym and boasts his "ganizzzzz" for popularity, will love bomb you, immediately gets a new girl after he breaks up with you, and always down for friends with benefits. An Aarav usually has good grades and will be very popular, but he will also have many rifts inside his friend groups. Most Aaravs wear the amazon bead bracelet, are either super tall or super short, wither super fat or super skinny and will have at least 3 exes. They always fall for the girl best friend and are a huge red flag. Always stay away from AARAVS!!!!

In the City of Vadodara

Gaurav: Yoooo did you see how Aarav (specifically in Vadodara) has a new gf now?
Manas: Bro that's his rebound from his ex
Gaurav: Yeah? Well we all know that he is going to marry his girl best friend anyways!

by ding dong sussy baka April 4, 2024