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Actual Nazi

An actual Nazi is somebody who actually supports Adolf Hitler's ideology that:
1) White people (or else certain subraces of white people) are the "master race" and that the state should ensure its national demographics belong homogeneously to that category;
2) The state should further persecute Jews as a fundamental threat to the race and nation.

The rules are simple: if you support both 1) and 2), you're an actual Nazi; if you don't, you aren't. (If you support only one of them you are definitely either a racist or an anti-Semite, but not a Nazi.)

This term is strictly reserved for people who seriously support Nazi ideology because the terms Nazi and fascist alone are abused so often (to refer to whomever the user dislikes or disagrees with) that they've practically lost all meaning in serious political discourse.

Donald Trump is not an actual Nazi.
Stephen Miller is not an actual Nazi.
George Bush is not an actual Nazi.
Liberals are not actual Nazis.
Conservatives are not actual Nazis.
Communists are not actual Nazis.
Antifa are not actual Nazis.
Your English teacher is not an actual Nazi.

Adolf Hitler was an actual Nazi.
Joseph Goebbels was an actual Nazi.
George Lincoln Rockwell was an actual Nazi.
Richard Spencer is an actual Nazi.
Marian Kotleba is an actual Nazi.
Jobbik are actual Nazis.
The alt-right are actual Nazis.
The Golden Dawn are actual Nazis

Milo Yiannopolous and Steve Bannon *might* be actual Nazis.

by Expert on all things Nazi August 30, 2018

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