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The only way to finish homework.

When I take Adderall, homework's a breeze!

by FlareNUKE October 1, 2006

3990๐Ÿ‘ 845๐Ÿ‘Ž


a prescription medication consisting of racemic (levo- and dextro- isomers both included) amphetamine salts. (the dextro- isomers are reported to be more recreationally useful than the levo- isomers, as it is said the levo- isomers cause little psychological effects and the dextro- isomer is even preferred in a medical use setting). they're prescribed by doctors for ADHD but are widely abused. the extended release get you high for HOURS and have a really intense but edgy high. Effects include increased motivation, increased concentration, extreme euphoria, loads of energy, and your brain works in a more logical, calculating way in general. A very distinctive high. Side-effects include tension in the jaw, inability or feeling like you don't need to eat, and I personally get a very noticeable 'tick' that pretty much announces to everyone I'm on speed .I tend to bite and lick my lips really fast when I speed, and it tends to look like I'm flicking my tongue at people or something. Effects like this can go completely subconscious and the user will not even realize he is doing things such as this (if side-effects like this are experienced). One of the bad things about adderall is the harsh comedown (when you take a decent amount). Speed hangovers can include unsettling of the stomach, fatigue, inability to sleep, feeling just generally depressed or down, and if taken for extended periods the hangover can turn into a full-blown crash, which can be almost UNBEARABLE.

Adderall's chemically active component amphetamine acts on your brain by causing the release of a chemical called dopamine, which is your brain's 'reward' chemical. I.E. when you eat good food, have sex, or do something else pleasurable, your brain normally releases small amounts of dopamine. With adderall, large amounts of dopamine are released into the brain, and by pharmacological action of amphetamine, a process occurs called dopamine reuptake antagonism, which is basically a science term to describe that the dopamine is stuck floating in your brain instead of being metabolized or taken back up, which occurs normally within minutes. With adderall, however, dopamine, your "FUCK YEAH LET'S DO THIS!!!" chemical is stuck floating around in your brain for hours on end causing the strongly reported euphoria and other recreational effects.

Chemically, adderall's psychoactive chemical amphetamine is closely related to several other drugs. These include methamphetamine, or "meth, ice," etc, which is just an amphetamine molecule with a methyl group (CH3, one carbon atom stuck with 3 hydrogen atoms) stuck on the end, which basically causes the effects of the drug to be amplified, which is why meth is so much more addictive. Other related compounds include MDMA, aka ecstasy, which is the methamphetamine compound with 2 oxygens stuck to the other end of the molecule with a carbon and 2 hydrogens in between them. There are numerous other related compounds, but I'm really getting tired of typing at this point.

I took 3 30's of adderall at 2 earlier but now I'm coming down...this sucks man

by Ian f'in Davis January 31, 2008

282๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


Adderall is an amphetamine medication given to people with ADD/ADHD. If you dont have those medical conditions and you take it you will feel "tweaked", the high for stimulants.

Dosage: For a person with no tolerance 20-30mg will be a good starting dose. Although with frequent use you will need a larger dosage to feel the same effects.

Method: You can take this orally or you can rail them (snort). I would recommend railing them as you will get the most out of it. You will need to crush the balls up into fine powder for it to work though. Also i recommend a drink or gum as the drips will be bad tasting.

The high: If you swallow them then the high will set in 30mins to an hour depending on how much you have eaten. If you rail them it should hit you almost instantly. You will feel a sudden increase in your heart beat and feel really happy as well as energetic. Your confidence will boost and will feel like a king. Working and studying will be fast and even fun so its a great study tool. This should last a few hours depending on the dose, for 30mg it should last about 8+ hours (no tolerance).

Comedown- Amphetamines have one of the shittiest comedowns known to drugs. You will be depressed, very irratible, and fatigued even though you probably wont be able to fall asleep for a while. I found the best way to deal with this is to do adderall in the morning as the effects will wear off before its too late at night.
I also extremely recommend going out to your GNC and buying a bottle of 5-HTP, take about 200mg of it as it will increase your serotonin levels that have been drained from the amphetamines which greatly lessens the comedown. If you cant sleep and want to then go out to your GNC store and buy a bottle of melatonin. This is a natural sleeping aid and will help you fall asleep much faster. Take about 6-12mg. And lastly EAT. Even though you probably arent hungry as amps tend to do that force yourself to eat, trust me you will feel much better.

Warnings: Remember to stay hydrated as amphetamines will dehydrate you. Try not to perform physical activities as it will increase your heart rate even more. And lastly do not binge on this stuff, especially if you are suffering from depression. Each comedown will get worst and worst and having depression will make you feel 10x worst at the comedown.

Adderall and Dexedrine the best of legal amphetamines

by Neighborhood Pharmacist November 18, 2007

1409๐Ÿ‘ 469๐Ÿ‘Ž


I don't understand my philosophy 780 midterm - a Theological argument we have to analyze. Luckily i took three pills of 45mg Adderall an hour before.

Your heart beat rises and you're in the zone, an alternate reality where Adderall controls your mind. Suddenly the argument, a dense and primitive form of writing, makes sense. The argument becomes concise and clear. The once painful material unravels like a bounty roll before your eyes. You finally understand what the hell the author is arguing about.

Soon, you find yourself writing well constructed sentences and thorough critiques. You even reference jokes in your response that pertain to your professor and the argument.

You look around the classroom to notice the other students struggling with the midterm and realize you're finished. You're awake for the next forty-eight hours but two weeks later you receive an A+. Oh Adderall, how i adore you.

Person 1: Let's go study Becky!

Person 2: Fuk you nigga ima pop Adderall.

by redzone1 March 18, 2009

269๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž


The miracle drug for IB.

Thank God for Adderall. I was able to get my history IA done, finish my lab report and write my TOK paper all in one night.

by dummie#6 November 29, 2010

49๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


perscription drug used in the united states to aid individuals with ADHD and ADD (attention deficit disorder).

Comprised of different quantities of several different dextroamphetamines, usually in salt-combo (sachride and sulfate) tab form.

Effects include a heightening of attention, energy and awareness. Also the compulsion to do something, to achieve some task, whether that be writing a book, studying notes, dancing, having a conversation, building something, etc. Drug is also abuse for its narcotic effects.

damn adderall hooks yer shit up nice son! poppin the blue pills unleashes the thrills, energy up the ass, talkin mad shit and raving all night long.

people that take adderall have very tidy houses and bedrooms.

by Olly J February 22, 2005

2079๐Ÿ‘ 901๐Ÿ‘Ž


The reason every teenager, college kid, and meth head suddenly has ADHD.

College kid: Sweet, I took eighteen classes this semester and got an A+ in all of them! And now I can get completely plastered without getting tired! Thanks Adderall.

Teen girl: I take it too, and I've lost 15 pounds without even trying. It's amazing.

Ex-Meth addict: As soon as I got my five different prescriptions for it, I didn't even need meth anymore. Sayonara rehab!

Other person: Wow. Sounds awesome. What do you take it for?

College kid/teen girl/meth head: Uh... I've got ADDH. Er, ADHD. Yeah...

by TheWORDS January 17, 2008

1796๐Ÿ‘ 787๐Ÿ‘Ž