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(n.) Using the pharmaceutical drug, Adderall (or similar ADD treatment medication), in order to pull an all-nighter because you were too damn lazy to study beforehand. Nevertheless, this performance-enhancing drug is a fantastic study aid.

According to the Federal Drug Administration, "students with lower grade point averages of B’s or below use stimulants at a rate of 5.2%, compared to students earning B+ or above who use this medication at rates of only 3.3%."

Good job all you procrastinating, late-night crammers. And a special high-five to the Greek system, who uses these stimulants at a much higher rate of "8.6% compared to nonmembers who reported use at rates of only 3.3%."

James McFratty: Hey I need to get some some Concerta (or Adderall-equivalent) to pull an Adderall-nighter for tomorrow's final!
Ryan: Do you want some 36mg pills?
James: Cha, Brah!
Ryan: Don't forget to eat. It's an appetite-suppressant! Oh, and watch out for the potentially fatal condition known as serotonin syndrome.
James: What?
Ryan: What?
James: SWEET--I'll dedicate my barely-passing grade to you!

by destele March 20, 2007

79👍 31👎

Adderall Nighter

An Adderall-induced all nighter.

Consuming copious amounts of the prescription ADD/ADHD medication Adderall in order to stay up all night and accomplish a given task. This method is most commonly employed by overworked/procrastination inclined college students.

Leroy: "Hey man, you study for this exam?"
Carl: "Yepp, I pulled an Adderall Nighter."

by WHinie December 12, 2008

4057👍 2667👎