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age regression

Age regression is when somebody reverts to a child-like state of mind, often as a coping mechanism for things like PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Basically age regressors are more at-peace and worry-free whilst in "little space" (A term for when one is in said mindset). These people simply need breaks from the stress of being old and often have a childish personality even outside of regression (Though sometimes it's not as obvious).
Contrary to popular belief, age regression is NOT a kink or even related to sexual intercourse whatsoever. Some age regressors refer to themselves as littles and to their significant other as "Daddy", "Mommy", or just as their "Caregiver" Since they'd typically take care of their "Little" as if they're an actual child.

Hey, so why does she sleep with so many stuffed animals? Oh, she's just an age regressor. How cute!

Bro, what's with the pacifier? You a baby now or something?
Kinda, I'm regressing right now.
Sorry, I didn't know! That's cool!

Why does your blog have so much pastel And childish stuff?
Oh, it's an age regression blog. Nice!

by Possibly a demon child February 27, 2017

3194๐Ÿ‘ 261๐Ÿ‘Ž

age regression

age regression is something where someone puts themselves(or accidentally slips) into a state of mind that of a child, baby, or toddler. the person doing so may be referred to as "little" when in little space. when said people are in little space, they are in their safe space, or their comfort zone, and should not be sexualized in any way. age regression is a form of coping for most people and is sometimes involuntary or voluntary!

person 1 - "she's acting really babyish right now what is she doing?"
person 2 - "shes in little space right now."
person 1 - "huh?"
person 2 - "its age regression."

by bumbl3b33 July 6, 2022

84๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Age Regression

Age regression is a psychological state in which someone's mindset will go into a previous state for a period of time. They will feel, think, and behave younger, most commonly as a toddler or little kid.
Age regression is a coping mechanism and can be involuntary or voluntary. It can be used to cope with past/current trauma, mental or physical illnesses, general stress, and so on. It can also be used as a coping mechanism for those who've had missed or bad childhoods or who experienced forced maturity as a way to positively relive or reclaim that part of their life. This type of coping mechanism is suggested by some therapists, and accepted or encouraged by many others.

Age regressors may have a caregiver to assist them in their regression and care for them when in that state of mind. This can be anyone - their significant other, close friend, sibling, parent, etc.
Sometimes age regression is sexualized or mistaken as age play (role playing as a younger age, often for sexual purposes) but it is actually potentially illegal to have sexual activity while regressed or with someone who is because it makes the regressor unable to consent, due to impairment of cognition. Age regression should not be sexualized because it's on the same level as sexualizing a biological child.

I experience age regression.
I am an age regressor.

by erinz10 October 21, 2019

635๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž

Age Regression

Age regression is a coping mechanism used by people often with ptsd, anxiety, depression or simply any sort of childhood trauma/stress. Some regressors will regress back farther then others. Ways you could possibly tell someone is a regressor, Babbling/Slurring words, Doing childish activites, Pacifiers, Stuffies, Bottles, Thumb sucking ect. A lot of people mistake age regression for age play. Age regression and age play are both very different. Age play is a kink whilst age regression is a coping mechanism.

"Hey why do ze have a pacifier?" "Oh it's because xe use age regression as a coping mechanism." "Oh nice!"

by ImBabyStfu November 11, 2020

241๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Age Regression

A coping mechanism 4 ppl w/ PTSD, anxiety, depression, loss of childhood & other mental illnesses/issues. It's official, as some therapists recommend & encourage it. It's NOT related 2 any kind of kink, & it's in its majority a 100% sfw nonsex practice. The agere community doesn't accept kinksters or sex regressors as part of it (even tho a few people, because of sex related trauma, may practice it sexually, the agere community is a safe place for everyone & it wouldn't be fair 4 ppl w/ sex as a trigger or minors 2 be involved w/ sexual agere, also, letting them in the community would make ppl missunderstand the whole concept, & also would put agere in danger of being targeted by pedos & being attacked)
It means they regress 2 a child-like mindset! wether it be temporarily or full-time. All regressors r different! some can't help regressing & some can stop it whenever they want.
You can also regress being neurotypical & without having any trauma or issue, as 4 some ppl agere is a good way 2 be less stressed or have a funnier life style.

Agere often have "caregivers" & "baby sitters" 2 help them when regressing. Sometimes their s/o can be their cg. Sometimes they call them mommy/daddy. Most times, in cases where the caregiving isn't platonic, the sexual stuff isn't practiced while the person is regressing.

Agere regress 2 different ages. Some regress 2 baby ages, some r toddlers or kids, & some r teens.


-Why are you suddenly speaking like a baby?
-I got anxious so now I'm regressing.
-Oh alright!

-Why do you have a pacifier??
-I'm an age regression because my parents made me grow up too fast as a child!
-Oh okay! It's a cute paci btw!

-Why do you have SO many plushies?
-Sometimes I like to play and feel like a baby to be less stressed from work and life issues!
-Oh that's great! Should I try it?

-You use sippy cups and bath toys? Why?
-You know about me having depression and, yk, sometimes it's hard to feel motivated to shower or hydrate myself or eat or get up from bed, so regressing and having baby gear makes it so it's funny for little me to drink juice in my cute sippy cup or have fun in a bubble bath, so I don't forget or refuse to take care of myself when I'm having a hard time.
-Neat! I will buy you a bath bomb and a cute adult passing bottle for christmas then if that's okay with you!

by just_an_age_regressor April 7, 2019

122๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Age Regression

Age regression is when a person, (could be underage or not) reverts to a childlike state, mostly to cope with stress, anxiety, depression, and other things that might affect your day-to-day life. Though, sometimes it is just done for fun. People who age regress can regress on purpose, or unintentionally. It is a completely non-sexual thing, and is not to be mistaken with Age play, which involves roleplaying as a child and sexual activities (sometimes). When you experience age regression, it can be called little space, middle space, or big space. Little Space is when someone regresses to a younger state of mind, usually being 1-8. Middle space is when someone regresses to a younger state of mind, usually 9-12. And big space is when you regress only a few years back, usually being 13-15. People who regress to a younger state, usually might need help doing simple things like making their own food or brushing their teeth. That's where a caregiver comes in! Most people with a significant other, have a cg (caregiver). And their job consists of taking care of their little whilst they are in little space, middle space, or big space. Age regression is a wonderful coping mechanism overall and is not a bad thing anyone should be ashamed of.

"I love stuffed animals, it helps me regress alot easier!"
"What is with the pacifier, are you a baby or something?" No, they just Age Regress!"
"Age regression helps me cope!"

by Kawaii_Gutz March 5, 2022

40๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Age Regression

Age Regression is a completely non-sexual coping mechanism. There are people that intentionally regress to deal with heavy stress and stuff, and there are people that involuntarily regress, too. If typing, some regressors may type more like this: "Hewwo! Is *name*, and I is *insert young age*! Is nice meets you!"

Person 1: Why is *insert person* acting so immature, like a child?
Person 2: Oh, that's because they use Age Regression, or agere, to cope with issues they are having!

by That_Dumbass March 3, 2022

30๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž