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When an angry person perceives repeated events occurring (real or not), and complains aggressively about it. Can be used in vague units "multiple times, many times," or in specific numerical units. Pissed-off people often use the verbal attack when they don't get what they want, (or get what they don't want). It can also be used out of desperation to try to belittle or undermine their victim's intelligence.

POP = Pissed-off person

Scenario A:
POP: I have ASKED you nicely three times already to go take this document to the main office, IDIOT!!!!
Victim: If you pull any of this aggressive-quantifying crap on me, you can forget about having me do it. Besides, you look fit enough to do it yourself.

Scenario B:

Victim: So was this what you meant by this?
POP: ***angry sigh*** YES. I SAID that FIVE MINUTES ago.
Victim: What, so you're now a stopwatch, Miss Aggressive-Quantifier? Are you saying I'm stupid for asking a request?

Scenario C:

POP: Oh my GAWD, you had SEVEN freaking chances to say hi to him. He won't know you if you don't talk to him.
Victim: I would, but your aggressive-quantifying is doing nothing to help me.

Scenario D:
Victim: You mind giving me that list?
POP: I gave you the list multiple times, moron!
Victim: I was just asking kindly. You don't need to aggressively-quantify any trivial things!

Scenario E:
Victim: **Paints picture with grace**
POP:***Yanks art tools from painter, then ruins it.*** There. It shouldn't take you more than FIFTEEN MINUTES to finish this painting.
Victim: What the hell is wrong with you? You ruined my artwork, aggressive-quantifier!!

by Playrr May 10, 2020