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Ahed Amer Mohammed Abujebbeh

A piece of shit that will punch you 24/7 make super funny sex jokes and fart when fasting. Also will try to convert you to a Muslim and cant spell his best friend's name for shit. Ahed routine-

25% faggot
55% jokes

120% farting

and will die in Fortnite and always always always blame and scream on you

and cant cough and fart at the same time

will blow you up if u piss him so stay careful
and is super haram

Ahed Amer Mohammed Abujebbeh

hi Ahed

*cough cough* fartttttttttttttttt * cough cough*
k bye

by IwIlLsCaMyOu20DoLlAr June 7, 2018

6👍 1👎