People with this name tend to be the type of person to be so self conscious that he goes by Gabe instead of his real name. He is religious yet constantly says gay things and might encourage sex with animals. The kind of dude to claim he will fight you but then end up being the biggest pussy in reality. Probably so out of shape that he plays a racket sport for his representing school but sucks at it anyways. Claims to have fighting experience and love the fighter Conner. He thinks he is good with girls because he will be the first one of your group to have a girlfriend. However, this is only because he is so desperate that he goes after the low hanging fruit. The type of senior to date a freshman or even middle schooler. Low key pedo vibes. The type of guy to be a virgin his whole life. The “nice guy”
Dude have you heard Alan Gabriel is daring a middle schooler!
Alan Gabriel seems like he wants to come out of the closet.