Alexander Galt also known as Galt is one of the very few English public high schools in the Eastern Townships. The school has an average of about 1000 students attend every year. The building was built by a prison architect which explains the lack of windows, the never ending cement walls, the large gated and fenced property.
The school has several different groups such as the hockey boys, the smokers, the f*boys, f*ckgirls, the druggies, the Chinese, the rednecks, etc. The rednecks are the largest in numbers, they are easily spotted trying to blend in lockers to avoid supervisors in their camo hats, pants and sweaters. They can easily be followed by the trail cow sh*t they leave behind from their work boots. They tend to stay in groups roaming the halls or checking girls out in the cafeteria halls.
The school has little to no money. All the money is invested into sports teams that usually don't even make the playoffs. Budget cuts occur often for example the 2016-2017 agenda's or clocks.
Every year the school puts on an atrocious talent show that is almost entirely made up of the dance class students that are blackmailed into doing it in order to get passing grade. The dances are the cringiest thing your eyes will ever see. The show also consist of at least 3 bad singers and an 8 minute long drum solo.
l'm almost as broke as Galt. (Alexander Galt Reginal High School)
77👍 1👎
A huge school that houses about 1000 students and is home to the pipers. It is the best English high school that you will ever find in the Eastern Townships.
Go Pipers! Alexander Galt Reginal High School will kick your knickers!
1👍 34👎